Renee Jain is one of the nation’s most respected childhood happiness and resilience experts. Renee is the founder and Chief Storyteller at GoZen! She uses her many talents, specialized education, and business acumen in pursuit of her life’s mission: To provide whole-brain education to children three years of age and older, regardless of where they live or of their family’s socioeconomic background. In this conversation, Renee, David, and Rebecca discuss what it is like to be fearful and anxious and how to use stories to change perspectives and bring peace and confidence to anxious children.
About SparkleCast:
SparkleCast explores the use of story in parenting and education. One week we share a free story for you to enjoy, and the next week we discuss the story with an expert and thought leader – with the aim of using the story (and all stories) as a parenting and educational tool.
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