In today's story:
Every year when the trees have all lost their leaves and the ground starts to frost in the morning, brother and sister start to make their lanterns for their annual lantern festival. This year they can't go their normal route and need to choose another place to walk. When Martin suggests going next door to visit the doctor's house, Sylvia worries that it will be too dark. But the magic of the evening shows her just how much can be seen with the light of a single lantern.
*This story is the subject of our conversation with Susan Weber, Director of Sophia’s Hearth Family Center. The story gives guidance on how to model a festival life for our children.*
About SparkleCast:
SparkleCast explores the use of story in parenting and education. One week we share a free story for you to enjoy, and the next week we discuss the story with an expert and thought leader – with the aim of using the story (and all stories) as a parenting and educational tool.
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